Massage treatment can be as individual as you are, each client is different, be it injury recovery or relaxation, Ford’s therapy can help.
Massage has many general benefits to the client.
Prevent hypertonic (tight) muscles and muscle spasms.
Increase blood flow, improving circulation and tissue fluid exchange.
Reduce pain.
Reduce adhesive tissue (knot) formation.
Maintain good muscle tone and flexibility.
Increase joint range of motion.
Reduce swelling (oedema).
Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in relaxation.
Decrease sympathetic nervous system activation (the fight or flight response) to produce a relaxing effect.
Specific treatments are on offer to help a variety of conditions
Workplace injuries
Posture correction
Hypertonic (tight) muscles
Scar tissue
Sports injuries
Sporting event recovery
Repetitive strain injuries
Reduced range of movement
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Surgery recovery
‘Bad back’
Fluid retention
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Neuromuscular disorders
Specific massage and physical therapy techniques on offer
General massage techniques
Deep tissue massage
Myofascial techniques
Muscle energy techniques
Soft tissue release
Positional release
Training advice based on the individual
Lifestyle advice based on the individual
Workplace improvement advice